Monday, March 30, 2009

Orange Day March 27-April 10

Magnolia and Cherry blossoms are anxious with bloom in our city. It's been a heck of a cold and wet Winter brrrrrrrr. We are all ready for some sun and warmth. It's coming, reallly.... Cherry blossoms always remind me of Spring and Easter. For some of us this means its a time to share turkey dinner with loved ones. But let's pause for a moment and not forget the ones that are not so fortunate. Their lives are not so different from yours, maybe just some circumstances that have lead to current situations. Union Gospel has been helping feed the needy for many years and they are expecting to have over 3500 hungry people attend this year. So what is Orange day and what does it mean to means Union Gospel wants you to get out and enjoy the city in a way that you are spending little or no money and the money that you save, can be donated towards Union Gospel to feed those hungry mouths. We all know we live in challenging economic times, but think of how much harder that is to the population that is already unemployed and homeless. So discover Vancouver - ride a bike, instead of driving. Make your coffee instead of dropping $5.00 for Starbucks and see how much you can give. It all makes a difference - here’s how far some change will get you: $0.32 (the price of an orange which will be given with every meal), $32.90 (10 full meals from UGM). Challenge yourself and see if you can get a group of friends or co-workers and either volunteer or donate some money. I promise you - it will make a difference not only for them but also for yourself.

Check out how you can help Union Gospel help others and then let me know of your experiences and how it felt to help out.

Starting Out

Well I joined the world of Social Media today and created a blog. My very first blog. I wanted to see how this worked and how through Social Media I can impact the world in a powerfully positive way. My intention is to use this blog for good and not evil, as we have way too much of that anyways in this world. Recession, shootings, job losses, illness - ENOUGH. I will research and post articles on what good is happening in the world. I hope through this vehicle you will be inspired to do good in the world and know that there is hope for us all.