Monday, April 27, 2009

Cycle It Forward!

I had the honor of meeting a wonderful speaker last month at Soul Power Seminar in Vancouver. His name is Brock Tully. Brock is an amazing 61 year old man that has a heart that is larger than his mission …Cycle it Forward, Brock is working to raise awareness for a kinder world.

Brock's mission is to:

* To create a Culture of Kindness that inspires each of us to be kind and to
* become the change we wish to see in the world.

Certainly Brock is doing this one pedal push and kind word at a time. Brock, is a veritable Ghandi - a man who has given his life in pursuit of spreading the simple but power message of kindness. Brock travels from city to city speaking to schools and anyone that will give him the time and listen.

Brock will be celebrating the end of this journey on May 8th

If you've not had the fortune to see this amazing human being, make sure you come out and take your family with you. I'll be there with mine.

and remember to be kind to yourself as well as others. Sometimes we forget that.