Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I was chatting over the weekend with some friends on the topic of consciousness and sustainability. My friend is a warden for inmates in prison. She kept saying we live in sick world. I can understand how she may feel that especially given the environment that she works in. We went on to discuss how basically we live in a world where most of us are asleep or anesthetized to not feeling anything. We are in instant gratification mode and only want new things without really thinking of how it impacts the earth or each other, which in the long run affects our quality of life and our children and their children. Now listen, those that of you that know me, know that I'm not a tree hugging hemp tshirt type of girl. You know I love to shop and I have more shoes than Carrie from Sex and the City. But we all have to start somewhere and I think when we live unconsciously, whether its not respecting mother earth or taking action to live in a more present mindful state, we all lose. Each and every one of us has an impact by what we do, say and think. That's really powerful. When we are aware of that and make more conscious decisions we all participate in making this world a healthier place both mentally and physically. So do your part, think about where your food comes from. Walk to the grocery store instead of driving. Recycle those wine bottles, there are a million ways to help out, it just starts with being awake. Will I continue to buy shoes.....what do you think?

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