I took the month off of December from blogging. I commit to writing once a month, by starting my blog on the 15th of each month. That will ensure it's complete and ready to send to all of you by the end of each month.
Well...new year, new decade and a rare blue moon. So many exciting pieces to this new year. I wish you all a very successful and joyous New Year. 2010 feels different to me as it does to many. Doesn't it feel different to you as well? There were so many challenges in 2009 as well as many groundbreaking events. I think 2010 was much anticipated and welcomed. During my chill time in December, I started to think - how is this year going to be different for me? both personally and professionally. I thought if I just go along with the ride of energy and think 2010 is somehow going to be magically different just because it's a new year, decade or any other reason, I'll be sadly disappointed at the end of 2010 and wondering where did that year go? 2010 for me is about creating a plan, taking action and enjoying the fruits of my labour. It's all about energy, no matter how we dice and slice it. Its all an exchange of energy. So I'm committed to taking action. As you can see in my starting paragraph I committed to starting my blog on the 15th so that it'll be done by the end of the month. I've taken the time to plan my year with specific intentions. I have monthly contributions with my good friend Cheryl and we will give back either with time or money back to the community. I can see on paper how this year is developing and its already making a huge difference in my life and others. I've also secured a domain for a non profit organization that I will be creating, doaworldofgood.org where people can come together and do good acts and join forces to make this world a better place and bring the energy to a higher consciousness and level. A site to be inspired and contribute globally.
So that's it folks - its all about energy. Mine and yours, how much do we want to put in to our day to day tasks, as well to our bigger projects. How much energy are YOU going to exchange in 2010 and how will that look like at the end of the year in reflection?
love it. YES...it's all about energy - the quality and the quantity- and intention with that energy.