Last week I went out with my girlfriends for dinner. They are both newly single and it has been a long time since we've all been together. We had a lot of catching up to do. We had a beautiful dinner and had lots of laughs. They shared stories of all of their dating adventures and how exciting it was to be free again. They talked about how they don't know who they are and how fabulous that was. At the end of the night, they wanted to keep the night going by going out some more. I had worked all day and it had been a busy week. When the server came to bring us the bill and asked what we were up to, I told her that they were going out and I was going home. She asked me why? and I told her that I was tired and the thought of coming home to my family and having a hot bath sounded more delightful to me than going out to a loud bar. The server gave me a sad look and said "oh that's so sad" and for a moment I actually felt lame for not going out with my girlfriends. I thought "I must be getting old". However, when I got home and cuddled with Lucy my dog and my daughter while my husband ran my bath, I thought this is so much better than going out - for me. I didn't have to validate, or explain or make anyone wrong for the choice that I made. Just as my friends didn't have to for the choices they made. This situation made me think...why as human beings do we always feel like we have to validate our choices in life.
Life is for living, however we choose individually to experience that. All of our experiences will be different as we all have different wants, needs and goals in life and isn't that fabulous? However, on this night I was reminded to be in the moment and be so grateful for the life that I have and all of the people in my life that I am fortunate enough to be loved by.
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